I hope that you have been enjoying the warmer weather and that it is giving you a much needed repose from being in close quarters and feelings of isolation.

You have been doing the difficult task of keeping your children busy, productive, and feeling secure, all the while many of you are working from home, and we are all facing such pivotal social issues. Please know that I am thinking of you and would welcome an email from you if there is any way I can help you with resources or concerns about your children.
Racism/Diversity Resources
Here is a link to a very noteworthy video titled, A Conversation About Growing Up Black. It is not intended for your children unless you watch it first and want older kids to see it.
This is a website with a list of books geared for talking to your children about racism, https://www.todaysparent.com.
Reverse Parade
As the school year is ending, we will be doing a Reverse Parade June 17th & 18th at 10 am. During this event, the teachers will come to your car and give each Pejepscot Day School student a bag with:
- A summer gift
- A photo album
- A certificate from Pejepscot Day School
We are so fortunate that Miss Ashley and Tiffany Pushard devoted several hours to creating a photo album which will include a photo of every child in each class.

Painted Rocks
We would love to add personalized, painted rocks to our garden, and ask that you bring a painted rock to leave at school either when you pick up a packet or when you come to the parade. Print her/his name with a permanent marker and we will put these into the garden.
With much love to you all,
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